Thursday, 31 December 2009
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year. For me 2009 was an eventful year-half of which I'd like to cherish and the other half I'd wish to forget. Though one can not live their life in regrets, I have decided 2010 is going to be the year I enjoy life to its fullest and I think it is something of a life motto that should be carried on. It is better to live a happy life even if it includes failure than to live a life in fear so I am going to write a list of achievements, things I'd like to do and places I'd like to see down (as many as I can think of) and if I do at least three of them then 2010 will be a successful year. I might even write them down on this blog so then there is no way I can put them in a drawer and forget about them but I have high hopes for this year because I can't believe how much I've crammed into the last 6 months. Happy New Year everyone lets make 2010 a universally great year!
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Walk in my shoes
I know the other day I was giving off about the danger of the 'sale season' but I forgot to mention that no matter what I never refuse a shoe sale! A bit hypocritical I know but my dad doesn't call me Imelda Marcus for nothing. Today I got a gorgeous pair of leopard print heels from the Next sale. I do think I have a slight addiction to heels which shows in the shoe themed Christmas presents from friends this year but as they say if your going to fall it's better to do it in a gorgeous pair of shoes.
Monday, 28 December 2009
A little Green with envy
P.S. Just for the record I think fashiontoast has all the right ingredients of a good fashion blog!
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Sales, sales, sales
I know it is the season for sales but I have an automatic distaste for them. It's not that I don't appreciate a good bargain because believe me I do. It is just what it does to fashion and style as people buy anything just because it is in the sale and everyone is wearing the same clothes for the whole month of January. I say be individual and wear the clothes you got three years ago at Christmas at least then it's less likely that someone will be wearing the same dress as you this New Years Eve.
P.s. Check out the hat I got for Christmas, can't wait till I get the opportunity to truly try it out!
Friday, 25 December 2009
Sssshh, Santa's been
Merry Christmas everyone, hope Santa has been good to you. He was extremely good to me - currently texting from my Blackberry and got a new digital Slr camera- can't wait to get snap happy with street style photos.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Mistletoe, anyone?
I cannot believe it is Christmas eve already as this month has flown in after finding myself recovering from the flu and working loads. I didn't think I would be that excited this year because of what all has happened but actually I think this is going to be an enjoyable Christmas because I am spending it with the family and friends I care about and who care about me. I don't have any wish lists for Santa except maybe longer legs (an embarrassing incident happened in a well known supermarket chain lately when I tried to reach my bra size on the shelf - apparently one can not be short and have no boobs), a man (only for Christmas) and a nice pair of slippers (although I love the snow we are having at the moment, the feet do not). If you have not yet jumped into the Christmas spirit check out the pictures of Marc Jacobs 'Toys for Tots' party which looks like possibly the coolest Christmas party (well until the one I am throwing next year). Merry Christmas everyone and remember don't eat too many chocolates!
Sunday, 6 December 2009
A Whistlebait Babies Christmas
On Saturday I went to a Christmas evening held by Belfast Burlesque act the Whistlebait Babies which was a lot of fun although I am not sure I fully qualified in the art of seduction as you can tell by the photos. Also there was an incident with some tassels which when I tried to shake nothing happened apart from my bum wobbling far too much than it should!
P.S. However ladies don't be put off, it was an experience I wont forget and I can't remember the last time I had so much guilt-free fun
Frocking Around
It was another dose of Frock Around the Clock on Sunday 29th November. I unfortunately had to cut my time short at the fair as I came down with the flu all of a sudden which I am only starting to recover now from. However before I left it was buzzing with people and felt extremely Christmas-y, it's just a shame I didn't get a chance to nab any Christmas presents - my friends might have to settle for vintage Valentine's Day gifts instead (next FAC is 7th February). Check out for more info.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
A little Remedy
Just saw Little Boots in concert tonight - she really knows how to work an audience both through her music and performance, which is why earlier in the year, she was voted BBC's sound of 2009. Oh and to top it all of I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing her for eve magazine (definitely a highlight of 2009 for me especially when she spotted my irregular choice booties and said how cool they were).
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Stitch and style
It was a cold crisp night last night but it didn't stop the fashionable women of Northern Ireland going on in force to Belfast City Council's second Stitch and Style event. A really worth while cause, an amazing catwalk shoot and an incident that had me in stitches would pretty much sum up the night for me if I had to. My friend Joanne went with me and is somewhat new to taking an interest in fashion. After the catwalk as I was hunting through the rails of clothes that were on display afterwards I noticed a gorgeous gold and turquoise dress that really was to die for but it was about twice the size of me both in height and length and I haven't yet got the nerves to go anywhere near a sewing machine just yet. Joanne who could see my frustration carefully looked at the label and then turned to me and said a little too loud that I could make a note of the shop and go to see if they had a smaller size. Wise advice if it wasn't vintage but it made me laugh (and her when she realised what she'd said)! Just goes to prove it is definitely more fun when your friends don't understand half the time what you're on about!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Something new, something borrowed, something blue
Just a little update on events - Stitch and Style run by Belfast City Council is on tomorrow night in the Porcelain Suite at Ten Square from 7pm. A chance to see how the professionals turn their old clothes and accessories into modern unique pieces that could almost be mistaken for new. And do not forget this Sunday in The Holiday Inn, Belfast is Frock Around the Clock - the main vintage fair in Northern Ireland to be seen at - I cannot wait! It's going to be a busy week.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Beautiful disaster
Well my feelings didn't change last night on the 'double-date' but I had a good time and he was a gentleman and paid my way in. In the end I stuck with the high heels and even braved my River Island sequins blazer (quite a bit over the top for the cinema we ended up in but I felt good in it none the less). I myself am not a Twilight fanatic but I can appreciate the saga and I thoroughly enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised how much the clothes have a vital role in the film. There is one scene which I found almost poetic where one of the vampires (Victoria) is running through the woods her bright red hair, long coat and dress blowing in the wind that she has created, showing how important movement is in clothes to convey the right effect, which is why the catwalks and runways are a vital part of the fashion industry. Someone who represents this importance of movement, the model Kate Moss (one of my style icons) has been a focus in the news this week with her comment “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”, which has caused outrage among much of the media as she is seen as a role model for many young women. I agree it is a somewhat dangerous comment but reflectively it is a bit true as most women (and some men) know the feeling of what it is like to fit into a smaller size pair of jeans and the smugness of this fact even if it is simply down to the cut and not your waistline. Ultimately though the smaller jeans may gave me a rush that cannot be compared but where chocolate cake is involved the cake will always win.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Styling crisis
I am having a wardrobe dilemma as I have sort of a double-date on Saturday night at the cinema. I am going with a friend, her boyfriend and his friend who has expressed an interest in me but has been told I sadly don't feel the same. My crisis is what to wear when my normal cinema outfit consists of high heels, a blazer and jeans (in Northern Irish circles-overdressed) without giving him the impression I have changed my mind. I suppose I could always not go but I'd feel guilty after already saying yes and it is to go and see 'New Moon' which looks like it's going to be amazing and with two very good looking guys in it I am sure my eyes will be very focused on the screen (I just hope his are!). Today however I met a lot of very stylish, interesting people who didn't seem like they had any styling disasters in their lives, as I was taking some style spotter photos in Belfast for eve. Despite the rainy windy weather (my umbrella blew inside out on a number of occasions-too many to count) the women of Belfast yet again didn't let it dampen their fashion spirits and were looking as stylish as ever.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Oranges and Vampires
I know it has been around for a good few years now but why has fake-tan become like make-up for the majority of the public (both male and female)? I was queueing up in a local shop with the recent issue of British Vogue the other night and I was confronted by a shop assistant a few years younger than me looking perfectly glowing as I (paled skinned) in flats, jeans and hoody (having worked all day) handed over my change. Not only did I feel unglamourous but I also felt like an impostor clutching tightly to Vogue which at this stage is my only saving grace. Although there may be a slight reassurance in pale skin at the moment due to the Twilight saga do I really want to be compared to the undead as it isn't exactly going to do much to my career and love life is it? I say bring back the 80s where fake tan was saved for the ice rink and all outfits were so bad that there was no chance of ever making a fashion disaster.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
A little bit of vintage

Recently as I was searching online for vintage presents I came across this magazine clutch at Steptoe Antiques and it reminded me of a recent picture of Rihanna (below) . Although

Sunday, 8 November 2009
It's 5-inch or nothing....
I was a little shocked reading the cover of The Sunday Time's supplement 'Style' this morning claiming the 'Death of the killer heel'. We may be having a reassurance in chunky biker boots and brogues but that is no excuse to claim we need to starting digging holes in the flower beds just yet to bury our much loved 5-inch's! I for one feel there is nothing more sexy than a pair of killer heels, the way it exaggerates a woman's body making all her curves sit in the right places, setting off even the dreariest clothes and most of all making this 5ft 3 woman feel she can conquer the world. Therefore as long as the shoemaker greats are still in business we will have the powerful heel, as who can argue louboutin's trademark red sole definately sits better on the higher shoe.
P.S. Can someone tell me the reason for kitten heels? It is the one shoe invention I just do not get even if they were catwalk favourite at the September shows 2009.
P.S. Can someone tell me the reason for kitten heels? It is the one shoe invention I just do not get even if they were catwalk favourite at the September shows 2009.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Shoe Envy....(all I want for Christmas is choos)

Am I the only one excited in Northern Ireland about the prospect of a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes finally becoming in reach of the average woman? The collaboration with H&M hitting shops on November the 14th mightn't exactly be up to the £500 designer shoe standards but a girl can dream and I have already got lust envy for many of the shoes going on sale (the zebra print and electric blue ones being current favourites). Many may argue that the current trend for designers to market their brands for a more commercial audience (Butterfly by Matthew Williamson, J for Jasper Conrad and now Jimmy Choo for H&M) is cheapening the designer experience and giving in to the notion of throw away high street fashion. I however feel it is doing the contrary as we all know designer threads are an unrealistic price for the general consumer but the fabrics, materials, labour costs etc. in making the product are both fair and genuine. With the High street collaborations the designers are not only applying the same design principals but the method of fair fashion and educating the public on the story behind their purchases making the consumers trade aware shoppers. Of course we will probably always love our 'bargain' finds but when they fall apart in the wash or the heel snaps of your new sparkly gold platforms in the middle of dodging the bus that is heading towards you, really we only have ourselves to blame because fashion never has been so accessible as now!
Promo for Jimmy Choo for H&M:
And on the topic of shoes, check out these Carvela Black Grab High Heel shoes, which I have totally fallen in love with(above), reduced now from £150 to £79, unfortunately though I feel I am too old for Santa to still be leaving me presents so they will have to be filed away in the future walk-in-wardrobe in my dreams for the moment.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Belfast Fashion Week
I've just had a busy weekend, I went to see Belfast Fashion week at Belfast City hall on both Friday (30th October) and Saturday (31st October). It was great to see what the Northern Irish fashion industry has to offer because I think sometimes we can (well I can) get a bit disheartened about the opportunities over here for a 'career' in the industry as all things fashion seem to be hidden underground or one gets the impression it is strictly 'members only' in a world where real fashion is universally appreciated. Although I must say the two nights I attended Friday (designer) and Saturday (highstreet) at BFW I left hopeful for Northern Ireland getting to grips with the concept of appreciation of all aspects of the business, it was just such a shame I had to miss Thursday's vintage night as I feel vintage appreciation is the real key to great style and it would have been nice to see Belfast's interpretation of this. I must apologise for the bad pictures, my camera has been playing up of late but I thought I was best still putting these two pictures up to show the gorgeous venue and the glittery gold catwalk the models paraded down both nights. I just was glad to take a break from working that I did not really note any key particular finds though there was a gorgeous white woollen coat from Fran and Jane on the Lisburn Road in Belfast that just walked stunningly down the catwalk unfortunately I feel I wouldn't have the height to carry it off even if I was wearing killer heels. I however did notice something attending both nights that although the clothes were fabulous walking down the runway there was just something missing and it was only when I was home I realised what it was; each other, it is true what they say the perfect outfits are the ones that incorporate both highstreet and designer. To check out better photos of BFW and to see that Fran and Jane coat check out for everything that is happening in Northern Ireland!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
I don't want to go out
Here are some more new finds...a tiger diamante brooch bought at Frock around the clock...really pleased with this as if you look at the recent Cartier is bang on trend (whatever that word means!) and a bright yellow butterfly by Matthew Williamson clutch which will go perfect with my blue satin Chanel nail polish. I am getting quite worried though because like in the singer/songwriter Nerina Pallot's song 'I don't want to go out' I am finding I am addicted at the moment to finding key pieces for different outfits and looks but when it comes to the weekend, I just want to curl up on the sofa with a mug of tea. Can one still be a fashionista even if she doesn't leave the house?

Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Shoe addictions, magazines, and internships
To say I have been busy at the moment, would be an understatement but I am certainly not complaining as it is keeping my mind of other things. I have haven't got time to explain all of it in this blog post but here are some photos of my new purchases both old and new; included is my vintage watch bought of Sharon Hay at 'Frock around the Clock'. My 1960s souvenir Italian coin bracelet, Laura Ashley purple 1980s lace tights,1960S sparkly black sequence oval clutch and my1960s Hong Kong gold evening bag all bought of Not forgetting my new red booties (even if my feet hurt in them!) and my grey avoca arm warmers (too kool for skool!). All photos are taken on top of my current copy of French Vogue, which one day I will be able to read even if the only thing that has stuck in my head so far from french class is the french word for grapefruit (pamplemousse, if anyone wants to know). I will update with news in next few days! x
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Frock around the clock
On Sunday 13th September at Frock Around the clock it was amazing, I think I have a real craving for vintage now and can appreciate it's credible influence on the fashion industry more. I wasn't able to get a scarf but I got a gorgeous funky watch necklace that winds up, a tiger crystal style brooch and a chunky blue/black ring that looks like it has been made from a brooch (pictures will follow later). On other news I will now be taking the advanced polefit lessons (lets hope my fragile arms are up for the challenge!). I will be helping out back stage at Fall for Fashion organised by Style Academy Modelling Agency ( this Tuesday and Wednesday I am so excited can't wait. It will be great to see what Northern Irish fashion can really offer in terms of competing with it's UK counterparts. My blogger has been playing up of late which is why posts have been non-existent but I will keep it updated more often and will keep the photos more regular (trying to work blogger on my phone now which isn't going too good but we'll try). Keep feeling fabulous and remember style is what you make it and I'll keep things updated regularly from now on (unless my account has other ideas).
Friday, 11 September 2009
The september issue
As in the fashion magazine world where the September issue is the biggest in depth magazine of the year, I am trying to fill up my life up this September to start hopefully pleasant new beginnings. On Wednesday it was my first night of my NOCN French Level 1 course which seems to be a promising course, more practical than school french. You learn pronunciation of the language and practical tips on how to read a menu in a restaurant etc. I am the youngest there but my class all seem really nice and so does the lecturer, and we have a coffee break half-way during the class (which can't be bad!). Also last night was the last night of Polefit beginners class, it was great but I won't know what to do on a Thursday nights now though there may be a possibility I am going back to do the intermediate class.On other news the Vintage fair is on Sunday and I am quite excited, it should be fun, I'd really like to find a nice scarf as it has been starting to get chilly lately and won't be long until we are all in our winter woollies so will be keeping my eyes peeled. I have also booked my tickets for Belfast Fashion Week ( which should be a great few nights out (I attended the master classes last year and they were superb and really got me motivated). Unfortunately due to finances and practicalities I won't be going to London Fashion Weekend in Somerset House ( which I am extremely gutted about especially since it is lfw's 25th anniversary but next year there will be no ifs or buts, I'll be going even if it is just me pottering along on my own. This year I will just appreciated our local fashion before I go and shop like mad internationally!
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Fashion shouldn't be about ME
I feel fashion needs to get away from the self-absorbed stigma it has been given. I started my blog as a means to get across my views on fashion in general (trends, designers, key pieces etc) but with personal circumstances changing (no longer being with now the ex-boyfriend something which I am still coming to terms with as a load of emotions hit me). I fear that unintentionally I may be talking about oneself too much something which I can say little to rectify apart from that when I started this blog I was self-assured of who I was and my views on fashion and my tastes. Then something in my life happened that has made me rethink things and although I don't think there has been a dramatic change I still think it is necessary to write down my thoughts to show I don't know all the answers (almost like an anti-fashion journalist). I am simply a fashion enthusiast that always seems to be two steps in front or two steps behind on the new fashion 'trends'. I believe style is someones identity and cannot be proved right or wrong (although some looks should come with a warning sticker). Dress for yourself, love your clothes, love your accessories and everything else will follow. There is no such thing thing as a fashion victim(well I hope not)!
P.S. Slight confession I bought POP magazine today for the first time which is quite bad since it is an extremely influential fashion and cultural staple and although I haven't read all of the small novel (it does have a lot of pages) so far I'm loving it's brave mix of going outside the norm of traditional (Vogue) fashion. However I will always love my Vogues' and Elles'!
P.S. Slight confession I bought POP magazine today for the first time which is quite bad since it is an extremely influential fashion and cultural staple and although I haven't read all of the small novel (it does have a lot of pages) so far I'm loving it's brave mix of going outside the norm of traditional (Vogue) fashion. However I will always love my Vogues' and Elles'!
Friday, 4 September 2009
Oh la, la
As all places are filled out on the dress making and tailoring course I had hoped to start in a few weeks I will now be learning French on a Wednesday night starting this week coming. I am both nervous and excited, I hope I take to the subject as it should be fun and hopefully now I can maybe organise a Paris trip sooner than I planned. On other news I have just finished Pattie Boyd's biography (the model and photographer who was both married to George Harrison and Eric Clapton). It was really interesting especially for the personal history and way of life in the 60s. I think for many the period is one of fascination as it was a global cultural event more dominate than movements that preceded it (punk, Brit pop etc). No new purchases this week as I've had to pay for the French course but as anyone knows who loves fashion it is not the 'new' that matters but what you do with the 'old'. Although I did come across this scarf on my web travels which I can't help but picture with my skinny legged white jeans and a crisp white shirt out of my closet and a nice plan brown belt to top it all off but then one can imagine. I have to listen to my own advice and accessorise with the 'old'!!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Can't speak french
Nothing much to report today as feeling a bit under the weather with an ear infection. I had to come home from work today and go straight to bed where I think I will head after I write this post to be bright for tomorrow morning. ELLE magazine arrived in the post today so I have that to look forward to read when feeling better and my 1960s coin bracelet arrived as well so have that to inspect and enjoy more closely too. Lately I have been wondering if I could save on lessons and learn french from French vogue, I know it sounds quite ridiculous but I think I might give it a go until next year when I can afford the proper tuition. From about the age of seventeen/eighteen I have had a passion for France, despite never visiting the country (I was supposed to go to Paris this year as a birthday present but that is going to have to be postponed for a few years until I can save up the pennies to go and hopefully have someone to travel with as friends don't really share my passion for France. However this is probably a good thing as it gives me more time to learn the language). I think it all started with the fashion (surprise, surprise) and Jean-Luc Godard films particularly the ones Anna Karina stared in. I just think she is an amazing beauty to me she is Audrey Hepburn Esq but with more edge and an interesting character for study (my dissertation was on her and I have been encouraged to study a PhD on the topic as no books are available on her but I think my confidence needs to grow slightly in the subject before I take it to that level. It's just a pipe dream at the moment). She was the 60s french Hepburn that wouldn't be seen outta place marrying a Rolling Stone. Check out the following clip to see what I mean. I'd also highly recommend Godard as a director but for people not used to foreign films I'd give his films a few watches before you make your mind about them as I've found that his films I had liked the least have slowly but surely become my favourite.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Unique style
Just a quick message to say to check out the following website: for unique one off pieces. I myself am especially loving the bow pendant necklaces. Also check out and which are hugely influential fashion websites and are all about celebrating uniqueness.
P.s. I've just signed up with twitter to see how that goes although so far I cannot see the fascination with it. The link is
P.s. I've just signed up with twitter to see how that goes although so far I cannot see the fascination with it. The link is
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Weddings, tassles and passing strangers
Well it has been an eventful weekend. On Friday I attended my neighbours' daughter's wedding which was a lovely day despite the Northern Irish weather. The dress was gorgeous (white with red flowers on the bodice and down the front) with the groom and ushers in matching waistcoats. I decided to wear my long black and white maxi dress, mixing it up with my snake print five inch high Jasper Conran heels, some topshop pearls and a large clear bangle with sparkly dominates. Last night I attended the black box for a bedlam ballroom ( event with my burlesque enthusiast friend Diane ( It was a great night out; great venue, a great show and great people however it felt a bit ironic being a fashion conscious individual going to an event where the clothes and accessories were thrown to the floor but these women didn't need any clothes to command a room believe me! There was such a mix of people, young and old, dressed up and dressed down with many taking the event as an excuse to get all dolled up vintage style, with many women wearing hair pieces, pearls and feathers. I myself took it as an opportunity to bring my new vintage handbag for it's first outing and in the process fell in love with it more. It went great with my simple jeggings, nautical style urban outfitters dress-tee and my river island black tail blazer dressed with a grey pin corsage.Also last night as I was waiting on the other side of the street waiting for Diane getting something from her car a passing male (sober) stranger walked by me and simply stroked my arm. It struck me as odd but not just because I didn't know the individual or the fact no words were spoken but the fact that me; miss worry-about-everything, didn't feel at all threatened. In fact it actually even helped a little in restoring my faith in human kindness; the world would be a much happier place if we just showed a bit more appreciation and affection without thinking of what we could get in return. It doesn't have to be physical but even a simple smile can brighten someones day, go on give it a go and I will try to do it to.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
A rush of lust

A few things on my wish list...and most I'll never own but a woman can admire even if it is from afar.....
Chanel nail enamel in Cherry (441)
Anna Lou of London H bling Necklace
And finally....for now anyway.....
Mustard Yellow Felt and Black Velvet Trim 60s Hat
P.S. There is also a ring by Seagreen in Dublin in the shape of a tiger that I love but can find no pictures of it to show. And....
P.P.S. Don't forget Kate Moss's new collection for Topshop goes on sale tomorrow ( I have already seen a few pieces I like including a long cosy cream and black jumper dress which would look fab for all those Christmas parties.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
purses, handbags, flats and love
I went a little mad on vintage online shopping yesterday at buying a 1960s handbag from Hong Kong, a metallic 1950s purse and a 1960s souvenir coin bracelet from Italy. The charm of vintage shopping is not just that no one in a five mile radius is going to have it but also that like the people that enjoy it, it has a past and that ironically makes it more love-able as one wishes that it too has experienced emotions of love, hope and rejection. This may seem a 'little' crazy but it is true as the heart craves sentimental value. I will have to upload pictures of them when they come through the post and hopefully they too will help me experience those emotions again. On other news my now loved up younger brother has decided to tell me heels are out and flats are in, as the 'new generation' apparently finds heels beyond disgusting however for me as long as Anna Wintour is still strutting in her five-inch Louboutins the heel will always be in vogue.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Frock around the clock
Have a bit of news; I am going to be helping out on a stall at vintage festival 'Frock around the clock' in Belfast on 13th September. I didn't want to mention it earlier just in case I jinxed it but I met the organiser Rebecca (Becky) Moore today over a cup of tea to meet each other before the day. She seems like an amazing woman and I can't wait to help out on the stall but I am doubtful of whether I am going to have any money left when I come back. It is fantastic to see that there is such events in Northern Ireland which normally is way behind in terms of thinking outside traditional boxes compared to the rest of U.K. You will find that there will still be the few considering vintage as costume as supposed to a way of life but hopefully events like this (which are happening more regularly) will be the start of better things to come. To check out more on the event and other exhibitions Rebecca is organising visit
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Short but sweet
Again one is in a rush which is what the headline means as supposed to a reference on my height. Just a note to say to check out this site definitely a new favourite!
Friday, 14 August 2009
Another week, more dilemmas
It was another round of polefit last night which again will probably not affect me too much until tomorrow morning. Learnt a few more moves including the fireman's pole which i was really chuffed I could do (now I just need to find a fireman). Next week we learn how to do a vertical move which I am dreading, just hope the navy three-quarter lengths are up to it. On Fashion news I am actually really loving the jeggings, think the gold buttons really set them off and feel like I am more toned now or possibly that's just me wishful thinking.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
What a girl is worth
Well, absolutely exhausted after yesterday although had fun in the process. Went out into Belfast with old school friends Sy and Lauren and took some fashion-y shots which will hopefully turn out okay (I was in them). Shot them in Botanic gardens and Queen's University grounds and to end the day went to see Coco before Chanel by Anne Fontaine which was incredibly enjoyable. I also realised I am a very expensive shopper, saw a number of items of clothing and a gorgeous blue ring to which when I asked the price the reply was £199.99 and for someone with no money that is over a weeks wages!
Friday, 7 August 2009
The kate moss move
Well It's the day after pole fit and surprisingly I am not as bad as I thought, well until I try and put on my jacket and then my arms wreck! It was a laugh though and the people in the group seem nice (not taking it overly seriously). Joanne and I were last to grab a pole though which involved my new navy three-quarter length leggings being put to the test as I had a pole at the very front which meant everyone could see how bad exactly I was (we won't talk about the warm up). As well as exercising we learnt a few moves including the Marylin and the Kate Moss, the Marylin was relevantly easy but the Kate Moss I struggled with, I kept lifting the wrong hand off the pole as I tried to do a mid-turn but ever the fashion-ista I got there in the end (may be debatable).
I have found that the blog is becoming more of a diary lately than a fashion blog but really I suppose fashion is life so although I mightn't be strictly talking about clothes, shoes, accessories etc I am talking about my life where my clothes and my style are a big part of who I am. I am not saying I am stylish because there are probably many who would say I do not reflect style but I feel I am not truly me unless I feel comfortable in the outfit I am wearing and with recent personal circumstances I feel that this 'me' is evolving and it is going to be exciting to see where this journey of emotions lead me. Although saying all this as it is pay day today I let some retail therapy get called for, treating myself to a pair of jeggings ( I hope I can pull them off), a frilly sleeveless white top, a very bold turquoise chunky necklace out of Argento and another shade of blue nail varnish. I do feel better for it, oh and the new Vogue and Grazia but I don't think they are counted as a special purchase as I think it would be more strange if I went a day without buying a magazine. I am going to Belfast on Monday to do some more therapy, go to the library to look up archives and resources, hopefully get photos taken and to see 'Coco before Chanel' which I have been dying to see for ages now but I unfortantly have a lack of friends who appreciate french film.
I have found that the blog is becoming more of a diary lately than a fashion blog but really I suppose fashion is life so although I mightn't be strictly talking about clothes, shoes, accessories etc I am talking about my life where my clothes and my style are a big part of who I am. I am not saying I am stylish because there are probably many who would say I do not reflect style but I feel I am not truly me unless I feel comfortable in the outfit I am wearing and with recent personal circumstances I feel that this 'me' is evolving and it is going to be exciting to see where this journey of emotions lead me. Although saying all this as it is pay day today I let some retail therapy get called for, treating myself to a pair of jeggings ( I hope I can pull them off), a frilly sleeveless white top, a very bold turquoise chunky necklace out of Argento and another shade of blue nail varnish. I do feel better for it, oh and the new Vogue and Grazia but I don't think they are counted as a special purchase as I think it would be more strange if I went a day without buying a magazine. I am going to Belfast on Monday to do some more therapy, go to the library to look up archives and resources, hopefully get photos taken and to see 'Coco before Chanel' which I have been dying to see for ages now but I unfortantly have a lack of friends who appreciate french film.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
What does one wear while pole dancing?
I am getting quite scared now as tomorrow night pole fit starts (an exercise programme incorporating pole dancing) in my local leisure centre and my friend Joanne and I have signed up for the next six weeks. I really don't know what I have let myself in for, being one of the least flexible people you'll meet and quite weak in upper body strength I really don't know how I am going to survive for an hour dancing round a pole! There is also the dilemma of what to wear as the woman at the desk mentioned hot pants and heels (I've went with three quarter length navy leggings, and a long white tank top incorporating this seasons nautical theme with an anchor). One doesn't want to look overly dressed up but at the same time I don't want to look like a plastic bag swirling round a lamp-post on a windy day. On other news the new ELLE arrived through my door the other day and there is a competition for your chance to become to a regular contributing writer at the magazine(my dream job!) all I have to do is write 900 words on what style means to me which is easier said than done. Well I better go and try and get some beauty sleep for tomorrow and hopefully I won't have to write about another fashion disaster tomorrow night.
Friday, 31 July 2009
Belated pictures
My favourite graduation picture of my Nanny and I, a photo of me taken before graduation not looking over amused as was worried about having everything ready in time. Some pics of my clothes that I never previously uploaded, belts and scarf, and finally the A & C necklace I bought two years ago with the money given to me after my gran passed away.
P.S. Treated myself to the brand new 'me' bag today (a bardot) and have to say I think it has been worth it! Will upload a photo of it in the next few days and let you know if it brings me any luck.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
What becomes of the broken hearted?
Well I eventually have a valid excuse for not writing anything in a while, I have recently broken up with the boyfriend and my fashion sense for a good bit was off the radar (hoodie, jeans, flats and no make-up anyone?). The negatives are I have never felt so much pain in my life and I have been the one facing the awkward questions of 'where is the hubby today?' on the plus side however I can spend my money on whatever I want, I can do my fashion degree without worrying about anyone and I get to shop, shop, shop with the true friends that have stood by me through the sobbing and self-loathing and bitterness that I have been told is all normal. Oh and I only have one wedding to go to now which means only one outfit to get but one which is show stopping gorgeous. I am really liking at the moment which have a dozen nautical dresses that I'd love. Oh and these KG boots and a new hair do to boot. A brand new me, a brand new young woman who's trying to find the 'real' me. I do still plan to put up some graduation picks at some point probably not the ones of the boyfriend and I looking happy though as it still hurts to look at them. My friend Sy and I are planning to get snappy happy soon just have to work out locations and clothes. I think that is about it (well all I can think of now) although I don't think I mentioned but next Thursday I am starting a six week polefit course to tone up the old body that has been neglected of late and I am somehow doubting how good looking a 5ft 3in size 10 woman with short legs can look in tight leggings, a clingy top with her leg wrapped around a pole.
P.S. What becomes of the broken hearted?........we shop!!!!
P.S. What becomes of the broken hearted?........we shop!!!!
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Flowers, ripped tights and computers
Well, it's been nearly a month since I've last updated the blog but I have good reasons. The first being the home Internet completely broke down and was only fixed yesterday. The second being I was working so much (10 days in a row) as I was helping out the boyfriend's mum (a florist) in a new wee adventure (which made me appreciate flowers a lot more even if my hayfever tablet was continually put to the test) while working my Saturday job in a school uniform shop (not extremely glamourous). And finally the graduation which was a drama in it's self though I am pleased to admit I didn't trip however I have been told that I did dart across the stage quite quickly (for photos). I went with clear nails, the dress from rise fashion, river island new shoes which my mum commented on being very Carrie Bradshaw and my green and navy necklace which ended up complimenting my gown ironically. I went with my hair having ghd curls which left the car journey up to graduation not the most pleasant with 'we are not going to make it' and 'I'm not getting out of the car because I've just ripped the only two pairs of tights I've brought with me' (how the boyfriend puts up with me I'll never know). Anyway it was a blast, the weather was gorgeous (if a little too hot) and the food was lovely in the hotel we ate at. The next day being extremely knackered the boyfriend and I went to Ikea and B & Q which on reflexation seems a bit daft. However went to Ikea for a Television stand for the boyfriend's pad and came back with a magazine rack for the fashion magazines that are currently taken over the apartment and which a certain someone (i.e. me) refuses to get rid of. In relation to more fashion-y news I have just fallen in love with new gladiator sandals out of river island and as I do not currently own a pair of flip flops or summer shoes I see them as a first priority. Also loving Time for new clothes ( tempted to buy a black lace dress for the wedding evening reception on the 1st August though not sure if you can wear lace or black, anyone know? I think that is about it well all I can remember for the meantime, will have some graduation pics up soon.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Some more of my favourite things

The boyfriend and me on New Years Day at the zoo, wearing my river island red tartan 3/4 jacket and my dorothy perkins leopard print scarf. I did wear my trademark heels despite the hill climb up to the top but I wasn't the only one (i did see another girl wearing some! I'm not the only impractical one).
More jewellery !! Handbag, Clutchs, River Island white sunnies, my white Police watch, topshop belt, nail varnish,
Pilgrim necklace ( Valentine's gift from boyfriend) and most impotantly my favourite perfume Christian Dior - J'adore (as Dior once said ' A woman's perfume tells more about her than her Handwriting' http://thinkexsist/com).
Zero to hero
Was surprised this morning to hear the main BBC news talking about the British Vogue editor complaining that the clothes samples for the models are too small that they are having to find size Zero models to fit them and then touch up photos later to make the models look bigger than they actually are. I think it is a complex debate and one that is probably destined for a vicious cycle of blame. I think as an addict of magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Tatler, Instyle etc I look at the pictures of the models and sometimes think why are they always showing skinny, beautiful models when I know that I or most people I know could ever look like that. Although at the same time I buy into the glamour and the reality is I would probably not be as interested in the clothes or the shape of them if they were on effectively 'normal' women. In fact the way this size zero model body is presented is almost better than if it was on a more realistic woman's body purely for the fact that most women know it is unattainable for them to reach this shape, where as a size 8 could be in reach and make the reader attain the goal of becoming that size. I however DO Not agree with the concept of size Zero at all because scientifically it is not healthy for any woman to be that small and believe the issue does have to be more globally debated though not for the health of young people (I believe they can even see the problems with the size) but for the well being of the models who are effectively very young themselves. On a lighter note I got my graduation mark on Friday, I will be graduating with a 2.1 which was what I was hoping for so really pleased for that, yay! I have two weddings to go in August so have to do the dress hunt all over again and still haven't got any shoes for my graduation yet (though have new river island blue flats to bring if gown is too short). Should have new photos up later along with my flicker album to check out. Today I have pink shimmer nail varnish on, the sunshine (yellow) rimmel was feeling a bit too bright for me at the moment, maybe later into summer. Cheerio
Friday, 5 June 2009
Yeah, the provisional dates for London fashion week are up (18th-22nd September) really hope I can go this year! Whats even better is it is in the new building Somerset House for the first time and Matthew Williamson and Burberry are coming back to show at the event as supposed to New York fashion week this year so hopefully it will be full of even more excitement. Check out for more details. I had a bit of a fashion meltdown this morning- changed my outfit four times before I went out (should I wear a dress, should a wear a skirt, should I wear white jeans etc.) I even changed went out and then came back to change into another outfit. I ended up wearing the skirt and okay felt a bit uncomfortable for a while but then my mood picked up and I let the clothes do the talking. Isn't funny how we seem to hide behind our clothes or our other halfs? I am a nightmare for it but clothes, accessories, loved ones etc are a definition of our personality so in the end unless you continually have a false persona on overdrive your clothes are going to represent you or your life. I think mine would probably say I'm a little indecisive, I wish I was taller (the heels) and that I am sometimes dress to accompany a hot looking individual (though that last point may be debated by some). Anyway all as I know is I love fashion it reflects who I am and I wouldn't change a thing as even the mistakes are lessons to be learnt from.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Carried away
Hey, there are more photos to follow just haven't had a chance (or more correctly had the computer long enough) to upload them. I am strangely loving the sunny weather at the moment, I usually tend to shy away from the sun because of the red tints in my hair (I don't tan) and the fact I'm not overly comfortable wearing summer clothes which tend to show more flesh than the winter woollies. However I am having fun with the new trend of bright colour clashing, and on Sunday I brought out the Bright pink Topshop dress I bought in The New Years sale and accessorised with my bright red nails, white and red necklace and my white River Island shades. Surprisingly I felt more comfortable than daft and was happy when my mum over the family BBQ compared the dress to something Carrie Bradshaw would wear. Unfortunately that comment was just to the dress and I don't look a thing like Sarah Jessica Parker.
On other news the graduation dress arrived, it is a lot shorter than I imagined it would be but loving it anyway, just need the shoes and jewellery to match. Although I think I have the shoes in mind and I think I'm going on a blue theme for the jewellery which means I can wear the bright blue large oval ring I bought last Friday in a local jewellery shop.
Also I am acquiring the help of my photography friend Sy to help me with taking some modelling pics so they should be up in the next few weeks along with the rest of the previous photos.
On other news the graduation dress arrived, it is a lot shorter than I imagined it would be but loving it anyway, just need the shoes and jewellery to match. Although I think I have the shoes in mind and I think I'm going on a blue theme for the jewellery which means I can wear the bright blue large oval ring I bought last Friday in a local jewellery shop.
Also I am acquiring the help of my photography friend Sy to help me with taking some modelling pics so they should be up in the next few weeks along with the rest of the previous photos.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
Whiter than white
I am so loving the new white trend going on. I have just bought white nail varnish today and I'm really happy that my boyfriend with stylish taste who bought me a white police watch for Christmas was bang on trend for this Summer's fashion. I have seen really gorgeous white shoes (my weakness) from river island that I want and also a gorgeous pair of white topshop jeans so I think they are going to be my next two major purchases. Oh and I have just ordered that dress fron Rise fashion, I really hope it fits.
Was really happy yesterday that I got my first subscription copy of Elle magazine in the post . It was part of my 21st birthday present from my boyfriend, that and Paris which still needs to be
booked yet when we are both free and have enough spending money saved. It sounds a bit sad that I get excited over a magazine but I am a bit of a fashion magazine addict, usually having every magazine in the store and still looking for more. I even bought French Vogue despite speaking no French what so ever (though it is a lifetime goal).
On other news I do have photos to go up to make the blog a bit more colourful and interesting but there is a problem with the computer at the moment so hopefully that will be sorted soon. I also need to clear up a few things on the point of the blog and myself so I'll do all this in the next few days along with the photos.
Was really happy yesterday that I got my first subscription copy of Elle magazine in the post . It was part of my 21st birthday present from my boyfriend, that and Paris which still needs to be
booked yet when we are both free and have enough spending money saved. It sounds a bit sad that I get excited over a magazine but I am a bit of a fashion magazine addict, usually having every magazine in the store and still looking for more. I even bought French Vogue despite speaking no French what so ever (though it is a lifetime goal).
On other news I do have photos to go up to make the blog a bit more colourful and interesting but there is a problem with the computer at the moment so hopefully that will be sorted soon. I also need to clear up a few things on the point of the blog and myself so I'll do all this in the next few days along with the photos.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Graduation clothes
I have just found the perfect dress for my graduation at the end of June. It is this one from Rise fashion: It is really girly but yet grown up all at the same time. I don't know why but it kind of reminds me of the dress Whitney Port wears in The Hills season three when going to give her first formal presentation at Teen Vogue's New York Office. Though I never talk too soon as I have to see what it is like on but at least it is an option. Oh and have to get above a third to, as not going if I don't :/
Monday, 25 May 2009
Clearing my closest
Last night as I was clearing out my closest I was shocked to see what three years of being a student had actually done to my style. I ended up throwing away 3/4 of my wardrobe because it either didn't fit properly or was out of date. I have always secretly been an accessories girl at heart (high heels and blazers) but I didn't realise the exact state of my clothes until I closely inspected my wardrobe last night. I have now made a pact with myself that for the next few months I am not going to buy any shoes, jewellery or jackets and simply focus on trousers and tops that suit my 5ft 3in, size 10 pear shaped body. Though this may be hard as I already have seen three pairs of shoes I want.
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