Sunday, 15 November 2009

Oranges and Vampires

I know it has been around for a good few years now but why has fake-tan become like make-up for the majority of the public (both male and female)? I was queueing up in a local shop with the recent issue of British Vogue the other night and I was confronted by a shop assistant a few years younger than me looking perfectly glowing as I (paled skinned) in flats, jeans and hoody (having worked all day) handed over my change. Not only did I feel unglamourous but I also felt like an impostor clutching tightly to Vogue which at this stage is my only saving grace. Although there may be a slight reassurance in pale skin at the moment due to the Twilight saga do I really want to be compared to the undead as it isn't exactly going to do much to my career and love life is it? I say bring back the 80s where fake tan was saved for the ice rink and all outfits were so bad that there was no chance of ever making a fashion disaster.

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