Am I the only one excited in Northern Ireland about the prospect of a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes finally becoming in reach of the average woman? The collaboration with H&M hitting shops on November the 14th mightn't exactly be up to the £500 designer shoe standards but a girl can dream and I have already got lust envy for many of the shoes going on sale (the zebra print and electric blue ones being current favourites). Many may argue that the current trend for designers to market their brands for a more commercial audience (Butterfly by Matthew Williamson, J for Jasper Conrad and now Jimmy Choo for H&M) is cheapening the designer experience and giving in to the notion of throw away high street fashion. I however feel it is doing the contrary as we all know designer threads are an unrealistic price for the general consumer but the fabrics, materials, labour costs etc. in making the product are both fair and genuine. With the High street collaborations the designers are not only applying the same design principals but the method of fair fashion and educating the public on the story behind their purchases making the consumers trade aware shoppers. Of course we will probably always love our 'bargain' finds but when they fall apart in the wash or the heel snaps of your new sparkly gold platforms in the middle of dodging the bus that is heading towards you, really we only have ourselves to blame because fashion never has been so accessible as now!
Promo for Jimmy Choo for H&M:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwrsG7siYA0
And on the topic of shoes, check out these Carvela Black Grab High Heel shoes, which I have totally fallen in love with(above) http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10001_17799_1185373_-1, reduced now from £150 to £79, unfortunately though I feel I am too old for Santa to still be leaving me presents so they will have to be filed away in the future walk-in-wardrobe in my dreams for the moment.
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