Thursday, 16 September 2010
Facebook Page
Educating Vintage now has a facebook page, find it at Please like if you want to know future things happening with the blog. X
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Biba is Back!
The iconic Biba hits the House of Frazer in Belfast's Victoria Square tonight from 7 o'clock. Unfortunately I have prior commitments so I cannot make it but for all those lucky people going have fun and take a look at the jewellery section. I have already got my eye on a ring I have seen in one of the previews.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Every Woman Should Own an Orange Pair of Shoes
Autumn is nearly upon us and it is time to reach for those closed-toe stilettos for dodging the puddles on your way to work. However if like me and you don't own that many autumn friendly shoes it might involve making a quick run to the shops to nab what's in stock. Although a recent trip to a local supermarket taught me, this doesn't necessarily mean you have to break the bank to do so.
During the summer months we tend to ignore our closed-toe friends in favour of their sparkly sandals and wedges rivals but in truth they haven't gone away they are still sitting in their shelves in all their summer-y colours which means come the end-of-summer-sales there are plenty hiding on the rails. Many chose to ignore them due to their brightness saying 'you can't wear yellow shoes in winter'. I disagree and when I came across these gorgeous suede orange stilettos for £5 I had to have them even if they were slightly too big (just means I have to walk slower round the puddles).
Fashion may have season colour rules but style does not so if you want to wear black in Summer and pink in Winter I say go for it!
Elle J'adore and the City
Regular readers of fashion Revival and friends of mine will know that my love life has been anything but smooth over the last year and a half. And for this elle j'adore and the city I thought I would make it a bit more personal as to be honest I now realise I have done EVERYTHING you are NOT supposed to do after a broken-heart and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes I have made.
The following our lessons I have learnt with dealing with a broken heart....
1. Most importantly, you CANNOT be friends with your ex because there is always one person who cares more and you'll only end up getting hurt.
2. It is not wise to reply to your ex's drunken texts at 3 O'clock in the morning because as they say 'curiosity KILLED the cat' and well you will be extremely tired and grumpy the next morning in work.
3. Do not date someone else who knows your ex, it will just give you more reasons to mention their name and well it is kind of the rebound of rebounds.
4. Do not be guilt tripped by friends to accept his friend request on your new facebook account because he is on their lists. You do not want to hear about how he is currently drunk at 4 O'clock in the morning and wants some female 'attention'.
5. Never go round to his house for a cup of tea and a chat when you are stressing out and looking for support. Truth is he might have other things in mind and if you end up kissing you will only regret it later.
6. NEVER try any form of dating in a vulnerable state it will only make you generalise all men as the same (only being after one thing).
7. And finally, DO listen to your friends' advice but acknowledge that no relationship is perfect and no one has all the answers.
I apologise for being so glum in this post, I do acknowledge that every relationship is different and I applaud the people who can make things work but personally I thought I could and now I know I could not and cannot. However there are a few things I have been told by friends and family that I still disagree with now and to end on a positive note there are two points that I believe should be remembered religiously after a break-up which are....
1. NEVER deny your feelings. If you did/still do love the other person do not deny it even to them. Love is not something to be ashamed about, it is just their misfortune if they do not feel the same back.
2. It is OKAY to be single for a long period of time. It is not an other-half that makes you but you yourself and being single gives you more opportunity to discover the inner you. And if it takes you another 3 or even 30 years to do that, the only person it should matter to is you alone.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Channeling my inner Chanel...
I am sorry that I have been neglecting this blog of late, in favour of Educating Vintage but I think it is important that I get the word out as it is a completely different blog to Fashion Revival in the message it is portraying. However I am not giving up on my first ever blog and you should plan to expect a lot more posts over the next few days including another instalment of Elle j'adore in the city as with everything in a 22 year-old's life, matters of the heart are very complicated.
Also expect a lot of pictures up soon as more than ever I have found myself getting snap happy finding inspiration from the unlikely of places. Although until then, here are a few photos of my Dorothy Perkins 'sale' ballet pumps - bought for those times when heels just wont do (yes, I fear I may be getting old even acknowledging their is such a time). Though my home will always be in a pair of five-inchs!
P.S. I am loving the UK September covers this year.
Friday, 23 July 2010
NEW BLOG: Educating vintage...
I have not written in a while due to thinking how to put a new project of mine into words. It is called educating vintage and you can check it out at I would love to know what you think, please become a follower and feel free to get in touch. Thank you
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Elle j'adore and the city
It's been an eventful month -someone was dumped by text a week before their birthday.
Someone's ex has been sending late rude night texts and blaming their long-term relationship break up on a lack of trust (which for him is sending explicit pictures) and someone has realised they have no future in their current relationship but have decided to carry on anyway.
Ah the joys of being female. As always any suggestions or comments would be much appreciated.
Learning Something New (hidden treasures)
I recently bought a bag from a local vintage charity shop for £7.50. I bought it because I loved the unusual colour and shape. It was only when I got it home I noticed the label 'Fontana Valentino'. Never for one minute believing it had anything to do with Mr. Valentino himself I googled the name anyway and to my disbelief found out it was a bag in one of his daughters high-street collections.
I always believe in the power of google and that's why I love vintage and second-hand shops so much because you never know what you are going to come across and in the process you have the opportunity to hear about labels and learn history that none of your high street stores would be ever able to give you.
Vintage Sundays at The Empire
I hope all you vintage fashionistas out there managed to make your way down to Vintage Sundays at The Empire last Sunday despite the blustery weather. As if you didn't you really let your inner magpie down (my eyes were all over the place). Unfortunately I am on a (very) tight budget at the moment so I had to control my vintage shopping urge but I hope those who were lucky enough to buy are enjoying their little treasures.
Don't despair though if you weren't brave enough to face the weather last week as I am sure the next fair on the1st August will be just as good, if not better, so start getting weather prepared now and don't let those unique special pieces find someone else's home but yours!
Photo: My one purchase from the fair bought from Jennifer Robinson's stall ( next month I think I might buy one of her windmill charm necklaces....)
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
A Whole Lot of Clothes
Monday, 14 June 2010
Fancy French
Just a quick post to reaffirm my love with France and in particular French Vogue. As I was in the newsagents this morning I couldn't not leave with the June copy of Parisian Vogue as Kate Moss starred out at me in her blue swimming pool - almost unrecognisable though her 'Kate' necklace giving her away slightly. And as I got it home and flicked the pages I felt automatically at home as not only did it contain Kate but an article on the intriguing Mitford Sisters, a feature on Karen Elson, and the Summer school advertised that I was looking at before Christmas but my bank balance just cannot afford (run by ifm if anyone wants to know).
I seriously think I was meant to be born French though my waistline stubbornly disagrees.
Here Comes the Bride
Well it was another fantastic Frock Around the Clock event yesterday up at Malone House, all thanks to the wonderful Becky Moore and her team. The historical site was packed full of goodies from wedding dresses, to gowns to sparkly jewellery and wonderful hats plus much much more.
There were plenty of excited brides-to-be and a few grooms as well and I managed to even spot a few gems myself even though I am far from walking up any aisle anytime soon! All in All it was a great event and it has only got those vintage shoppers more excited for the next event happening at the Empire on Sunday 4th July.
So brace yourselves, vintage...Here I come!
P.S. There was also a lovely musician called Dave Martin singing Michael Buble on the day which made it all the more romantic.
Pictures: A few un-bridal pieces I picked up yesterday and the flyer for the musician photographed on a few LPs out of my parents' record collection including The Who's Odds and Sods and the Boomtown Rat's The Fine Art of Surfacing. For photographs of the lovely event remember to check out and
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Vintage Bridal Fair
Just a quick reminder that Frock Around the Clock's Bridal Fair is on tomorrow in Malone House in Belfast between 12-5pm. Be sure to check it out even if you are not walking down the aisle anytime soon. I cannot wait!
Monday, 7 June 2010
Powerful Images
I just love it because it is feminine, masculine, rocky, sexy and a bit perverted but it is Kate Moss at her best. The woman could wear or do anything and make it look amazing.
I know with many Kate is a bit hit or miss but since I was a teenager and first started buying Vogue and ELLE etc, she was always a model that stood out for me especially her work with Testino and Nick Knight.
I just do not think I'll ever get bored of her photo shoots because she just has a presence and an ability to me to make the mundane come to life.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Girly Night Out
Just a quick post to say if you are going to this tomorrow night at The Empire I hope yous have fun and let me know how you get on. I regret that I cannot make it but will definitely be there next month with a few of the girls. Tomorrow night instead I'm going to my friend's end of year show at the University of Ulster which should be a blast so if you are stuck for something to do tomorrow - you have no excuses because there are two happening places to be.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Elle j'adore and the city
1. Someone's ex has been ignoring them the past two times they have bumped into each other (turning their back quite literally once they've seen them). Not making the situation of them briefly getting back together last month any easier to bear.
2. Then there was the brief stalker situation where a random middle-aged man thought it was appropriate to yell 'what a beauty' and 'just gorgeous' after someone in the street on two different occasions and two different cities!
3. And finally we have the boyfriend who has a good ol' dose of the fibs - continually lying about his whereabouts to both his girlfriend and his friends for what seems to be for no apparent reason.
I think that is all for now folks but I must stress that all these dilemmas aren't necessarily me but advice would be very much appreciated and I'll pass it on to the concerned parties.
ELLE UK Twlight

Be sure to check out cover star Kristen Stewart's interview which really gives an insight into the life behind the camera.
In Little Black Blog Rumi from reveals her inspirations, and you get to have a noisy around Parisian fashion designer Vanessa Bruno's home in My Space. Plus lots, lots more so be sure to take a look.
Picture credits:
photography by Matthias Vriens McGrath/ courtesy of UK ELLE Magazine
Fashion by Anne-Marie Curtis
Cover Star Kristen Stewart
The full interview and shoot appears in the July issue of ELLE magazine (UK) out now.
A New Direction
I am going to try something new on the blog, I am going to have a weekly or fortnightly post called elle j'adore and the city which will focus on personal and relationship issues/concerns or just simply events of my friends or mine lives (I'll be clever and not let you know who is who) so then I can clearly focus on fashion the rest of the time. I'll give it a go anyway and sure if you have any suggestions please let me know.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Save the Drama..
I managed to come across this replica 'save the drama for your mama' t-shirt seen in an old friend's eposide. Love it
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
A Web of Jewels
On my Internet travels I have came across this little gem a gorgeous Edwardian necklace that would make any girl jump for joy, even those who have a fear of our eight-legged scary friends.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Ssh........More Frocking Around
Today was yet again another great Frock Around the Clock. My magpie eyes could not comprehend the amount of delightful costume jewellery on show although it was a dress that really caught my eye in the end.
Bought from the lovely Kelly McLean of ashby ladies and gents, the dress in question is black velvet with ruffled strappy shoulders and decorative ruffles at the back and front. It really takes the LBD to a new level - it gave me that Carrie Bradshaw feeling, which is why I now have said dress in my possession and a somewhat guilty feeling of hiding it in my closest and hoping it is not spotted until the moment I can justify buying it.
As I was trying on the dress (hoping secretly it would not fit) in the hotel toilets I found myself surrounded by a collective amount of females doing exactly the same thing - perfect strangers but all bound by the love of finding something that makes you feel that little bit special. I have found that is what happens with vintage fashion especially at fairs such as Frock Around the Clock - here I found myself in a situation where I was talking to women I had never met before like I had known them for years. Everyone was giving their opinion on each others items of clothing, trusting their judgements, debating whether it was worth the money, complimenting what suits you etc. No one being vulgar or mean just a bunch of ladies having fun shopping - which is unlike anything you will find on the highstreet so if you have never been to a vintage fair I strongly recommend you give it a go because I can guarantee you'll not be disappointed and I hope you chose to visit Frock Around the Clock's bridal and evening wear fair on the 9th June (I personally can't wait).
Picture: Better one to follow
Friday, 7 May 2010
A Moving Wardrobe
I recently heard this story from an elderly man on a bus, who had just returned back from cruise holiday in New York; there is an elderly widow who has lived on the cruise for a number of decades but has her clothes sprawled out all across the world and anytime she feels like getting off in a country she does and simply makes her way to her wardrobe. I was and am simply captivated by that story, I would love to meet this mystery woman who has a passion for taking a diverse wardrobe too literal. Oh to be that fabulous and isn't it amazing just who you can get chatting to on public transport....
Thursday, 6 May 2010
I'm Spinning Around

Although I am very excited about this month in particular as it really signifies the start of Summer - the pop princess Kylie is poignantly on the cover, Justine Fairgrieve's wardrobe in Closet Confidential is just to die for, and writer Elizabeth Wurtzel's Elleopinion article In Defence of the Single Woman is more than worth a read. Be sure to pick it up, and if it is your first time buying ELLE be prepared to fall in love like I did.
P.S. I am totally in awe of those Christian Louboutin sandalsIMAGE CREDITS:
Photography by David Slijper/ Courtsey of UK ELLE magazine
Fashion by Anne-Marie Curtis
Cover Star Kylie Minogue
Monday, 3 May 2010
Holiday Fun
I hope everyone had a nice bank holiday weekend. I spent today down at an Antiques and collectible here in Newtownards. It was great - saw tons of vintage jewellery pieces which has really got me in the mood for Frock Around the Clock next Sunday at the Holiday Inn, which like always I can't wait for!
However I had to save the pennies today so no major purchases though I managed to nap these cute postcards - the one of Paris is from the1950s - oh to be alive then. And the woman in the other postcard just interested me as the postcard is slightly damaged making it hard to make out what kind of hat she is wearing. To me it currently reminds me of a fancy-dress set of cat ears, I know this is highly unlikely but it kind of makes me smile to think of it as fact. However if it is by some miracle true she is definitely the kind of lady that could pull them off, don't you think?
Monday, 26 April 2010
Model Images
Check out these amazing pictures of models Sigrid Agren and Patricia van der Vilet and this gorgeous Zara cat dress they just show what fashion is about. they just show what fashion is about.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
A Sign of Weakness
I have read a lot of magazine articles recently on strong, ambitious women who are seen by society as bitchy (really do not like the word) and how this needs to change.
Do not get me wrong I totally agree things do need to change but what gets me is the other side of the coin; the things we must not say or do because we might be seen as 'weak'.
I as a person tend to do all the things that supposedly make women weak individuals but I don't believe in hiding or lying about emotions and intentions. For instance my love/hate relationship with journalism - I do not believe it is right to publish anything about anyone that is damaging or that they do not consent to you publishing. People may argue that this makes me a rather weak journalist - I like to think of it as I have principles.
Love is the other big downfall in my life - I am sorry but I do not have time to play games such as 'you may never say this to him or that...', 'you must be strong and let him contact you' and 'you must go out and find someone else, do not let him see you cry'. I apologise but I fell in love when I was 18 and I still love him and I do not see why I should hide this when it is how I feel. Do I wish to get back together with him? No definitely not! I just don't think it makes me a weak person to admit this. To me it makes me a strong individual because I am being honest, I have realised he does not feel the same way and I have moved on. Why should I apologise for this?
The modern woman lives her life defined by the lives of successful women before her and the unofficial protocol that is set into motion, scared to reach out side the box for fear of being seen as weak. Though really to change people's perceptions on what is wrong and right is that really weak? For me that is revolutionary we should be proud to be different and remember weakness is only a weakness if you make it.
Do not get me wrong I totally agree things do need to change but what gets me is the other side of the coin; the things we must not say or do because we might be seen as 'weak'.
I as a person tend to do all the things that supposedly make women weak individuals but I don't believe in hiding or lying about emotions and intentions. For instance my love/hate relationship with journalism - I do not believe it is right to publish anything about anyone that is damaging or that they do not consent to you publishing. People may argue that this makes me a rather weak journalist - I like to think of it as I have principles.
Love is the other big downfall in my life - I am sorry but I do not have time to play games such as 'you may never say this to him or that...', 'you must be strong and let him contact you' and 'you must go out and find someone else, do not let him see you cry'. I apologise but I fell in love when I was 18 and I still love him and I do not see why I should hide this when it is how I feel. Do I wish to get back together with him? No definitely not! I just don't think it makes me a weak person to admit this. To me it makes me a strong individual because I am being honest, I have realised he does not feel the same way and I have moved on. Why should I apologise for this?
The modern woman lives her life defined by the lives of successful women before her and the unofficial protocol that is set into motion, scared to reach out side the box for fear of being seen as weak. Though really to change people's perceptions on what is wrong and right is that really weak? For me that is revolutionary we should be proud to be different and remember weakness is only a weakness if you make it.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Friday, 16 April 2010
Looking in the mirror
I am going to be honest here despite my many protests to my close friends that 'I don't have one', I have to admit I have a problem with my image. Do not get me wrong I am not currently dialing the cosmetic surgeon as we speak ( I don't believe in plastic for vanity) but every Spring/Summer I find myself every morning and night staring at the mirror picking at my 'flaws'. Which if you want to know is currently my; back fat, pudgy cheeks, wobbly bum and thighs, and that double chin.
Is this vanity? I do not believe it is, because if I did I would spend a lot more time on my appearance (I am not one to get fussed over my hair and make-up). I believe it is an illness that most women suffer from - the idea that we are all supposed to be 'perfect'. It has been said that it is all due to the media's perception of women that causes these 'wobbly moments' of lack of self-belief and I do agree but I think there is more behind it.
I am a magazine addict openly and think nothing nothing about spending £5 on a fashion magazine but have to think twice about parting with £3 for a taxi ride home. From my early teens I have always been this way but I have evantually found refuge in the Elle's and Vogue's of this world rather than the heat and closer type magazines that litter the newsstands. My reasons for this are, firstly I want to know directly about fashion,secondly I don't really like real-life stories unless they are talking of fashion, and thirdly I do not want to read about sex and what's the new thing to do. However there is a fourth and final reason and that is everytime I pick up one of these magazines I feel quite depressed as every magazine seems to target the 'female flaws' and praise celebrities for losing a few pounds or stone (even if they looked better with it on).
I find this quite interesting as I can happily look at Vogue's models and read articles on people like Kate Moss and I never feel grotesquely unattractive, I can even sit down and read it with a big cup of tea and a big fattening mars bar and still it does not make me question myself.
I do think this is quite odd and there are probably a number of factors for why I feel this way but I am going to suggest it is how these high-end fashion magazines portray the individuals within their pages to look nothing but 'beautiful'. I have seen these magazines use plus-size models and to me they look the same as if they were Kate Moss because the photographer has celebrated the person in front of the lens rather than criticising it. Do not get me wrong I am not naive I know there is a thing called photoshop but it goes on everywhere and I don't think the main image is completely lost (I hope not anyway).
We need to celebrate who we are and all aim to show the beauty within and not aim for slutty, sexy, shy, fit or anything else we might be told we must be.
Is this vanity? I do not believe it is, because if I did I would spend a lot more time on my appearance (I am not one to get fussed over my hair and make-up). I believe it is an illness that most women suffer from - the idea that we are all supposed to be 'perfect'. It has been said that it is all due to the media's perception of women that causes these 'wobbly moments' of lack of self-belief and I do agree but I think there is more behind it.
I am a magazine addict openly and think nothing nothing about spending £5 on a fashion magazine but have to think twice about parting with £3 for a taxi ride home. From my early teens I have always been this way but I have evantually found refuge in the Elle's and Vogue's of this world rather than the heat and closer type magazines that litter the newsstands. My reasons for this are, firstly I want to know directly about fashion,secondly I don't really like real-life stories unless they are talking of fashion, and thirdly I do not want to read about sex and what's the new thing to do. However there is a fourth and final reason and that is everytime I pick up one of these magazines I feel quite depressed as every magazine seems to target the 'female flaws' and praise celebrities for losing a few pounds or stone (even if they looked better with it on).
I find this quite interesting as I can happily look at Vogue's models and read articles on people like Kate Moss and I never feel grotesquely unattractive, I can even sit down and read it with a big cup of tea and a big fattening mars bar and still it does not make me question myself.
I do think this is quite odd and there are probably a number of factors for why I feel this way but I am going to suggest it is how these high-end fashion magazines portray the individuals within their pages to look nothing but 'beautiful'. I have seen these magazines use plus-size models and to me they look the same as if they were Kate Moss because the photographer has celebrated the person in front of the lens rather than criticising it. Do not get me wrong I am not naive I know there is a thing called photoshop but it goes on everywhere and I don't think the main image is completely lost (I hope not anyway).
We need to celebrate who we are and all aim to show the beauty within and not aim for slutty, sexy, shy, fit or anything else we might be told we must be.
Thank Crunchie it is Friday
Can not believe it is Friday already as it has been a busy week. On Wednesday night I was back to French class after the 2 week break for Easter. It was kind of hard trying to get back into the way of things, I really need to focus hard on during the week revision. It was good though to be back to see everyone in the class and catch up but it was a little embarrassing because I had totally forgotten about the articles in the paper until Paul announced 'I didn't know we had a celebrity in our class'. I could have died with embarrassment but it wasn't too bad, they even joked about asking for my autograph.
I am excited about tomorrow as it is my first day volunteering down in re: vintage down royal avenue in Belfast, it should be fun as it is a fantastic shop. If you haven't already been you should check it out, it is the closest vintage shop I have seen that markets to the mainstream public. Trouble is I am worried I might become attached to too many things and only get depressed when they have to be sold.
I am excited about tomorrow as it is my first day volunteering down in re: vintage down royal avenue in Belfast, it should be fun as it is a fantastic shop. If you haven't already been you should check it out, it is the closest vintage shop I have seen that markets to the mainstream public. Trouble is I am worried I might become attached to too many things and only get depressed when they have to be sold.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
A few sniffles...
I Apologise if this blog post has a few mistakes or doesn't make much sense, struggling with my hay fever at the moment so trying to balance using a tissue and typing at the same time. Despite what the stereotype is I do struggle with multi-tasking.
Did everyone enjoy Vintage Sunday at The Empire? If you were not there you missed loads, just check out Frock Around The Clock's blog and you'll see! It was a gorgeous day just perfect to do a bit of vintage shopping, I unfortunately am on a strict shopping diet but I still managed to pick up on a few finds on the lo lo's house stall.
I just hope at the next Frock Around the Clock I am off this strict diet and can nab myself something exciting and guilt-free.
PICTURES: Purchases at Vintage Fair and Paloma Faith album sleeve cover (cd was a present for birthday)
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Blackberry Stone
The place was packed and it was the first time I had actually heard any of her songs (I was there on behalf of eve) but I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised. So much so that I had to rush out and get her album today and I have been humming the songs ever since.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Making Way for the New
It's my birthday tomorrow, I am going to be the scary number of 22. It is funny how I seem a lot more mature since my 21st in some ways and in others I feel so young.
I've just finished taking my number '21' keyring of my keys. Not only is a goodbye to the year but an official goodbye to my love life as it is the only reminder I have left of the ex as it is the one gift I kept from him.
It's scary to look back at my birthday last year as I was living with the ex in between living up at University, I had booked myself in for a hair appointment (I always feel fabulous after visiting the hairdressers) and when I came back home (his) he greeted me with a massive chocolate cake (heaven), a bunch of flowers and loads of presents. I opened my presents and for one of them he had wrapped a travel guide to Paris up and in it placed 50 euros telling me my 'real' present was we were going to Paris (the place I want to visit most in the world) after I had finished with my studying and was back home for good. He gave me a hug and told me I was no longer his little baby but his little lady now, and we went for a fancy dinner and then met up with friends to go bowling. Three months later I was carrying my bags out of his, with a broken heart and only film images of the Eiffel Tower.
Why am I telling you this, I am not really sure but I think it needs to be said to show that having a birthday at the age of 22 and single is not the end of the world but only the beginning. Looking back I do not regret that birthday or my relationship, just my views have changed. For my younger self that birthday was what love for me symbolised, I couldn't have been happier but looking back it was just things and words. Everlasting love and happiness is the things in life that are expressed everyday without you knowing, a simple smile or just knowing that no matter how 'rough' things become you can always rely on someone.
The sad thing is I have yet to find this with someone other than a family member and I don't know if I ever will but I am not going to worry my 22 year old btm off (or my 82 year old btm if it takes that long) because life is for living and I plan to make the most of it!
I've just finished taking my number '21' keyring of my keys. Not only is a goodbye to the year but an official goodbye to my love life as it is the only reminder I have left of the ex as it is the one gift I kept from him.
It's scary to look back at my birthday last year as I was living with the ex in between living up at University, I had booked myself in for a hair appointment (I always feel fabulous after visiting the hairdressers) and when I came back home (his) he greeted me with a massive chocolate cake (heaven), a bunch of flowers and loads of presents. I opened my presents and for one of them he had wrapped a travel guide to Paris up and in it placed 50 euros telling me my 'real' present was we were going to Paris (the place I want to visit most in the world) after I had finished with my studying and was back home for good. He gave me a hug and told me I was no longer his little baby but his little lady now, and we went for a fancy dinner and then met up with friends to go bowling. Three months later I was carrying my bags out of his, with a broken heart and only film images of the Eiffel Tower.
Why am I telling you this, I am not really sure but I think it needs to be said to show that having a birthday at the age of 22 and single is not the end of the world but only the beginning. Looking back I do not regret that birthday or my relationship, just my views have changed. For my younger self that birthday was what love for me symbolised, I couldn't have been happier but looking back it was just things and words. Everlasting love and happiness is the things in life that are expressed everyday without you knowing, a simple smile or just knowing that no matter how 'rough' things become you can always rely on someone.
The sad thing is I have yet to find this with someone other than a family member and I don't know if I ever will but I am not going to worry my 22 year old btm off (or my 82 year old btm if it takes that long) because life is for living and I plan to make the most of it!
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
The Problem with Guys my own Age
I have had just had coffee with an old school male friend and although it was nice to catch up I couldn't help feeling that I could easily be having a conversation with my younger brother. It's not his fault and I did have fun, I think maybe I'm just old-fashioned or a bit of an odd-ball (maybe both) but I like a guy to be a lot more mature than me, to be knowledgeable and be assured in life. I find it hard to deal with the sarcastic toilet humour that so many guys from the ages of 13 to their mid 20s seem to adopt, to me it is just a waste of words.
Do not get me wrong though I like a guy with a good sense of humour and who does not take himself too seriously, in fact I think this is the most important thing. I just don't want to be sitting telling a guy my future plans without him making some comment which belittles me in a second (whether that is his intention or not).
Believe me I am not perfect myself (just ask the ex) I still have yet to figure out how the oven works and I have a habit of collecting things particularly magazines. I always leave my high heels scattered over the floor and have to be fed regularly especially when travelling or I get car sick. Through all this though I still dream one day that a man will except my little quirks. Will listen when I want to be smart and talk literature but also acknowledge when I sometimes don't want to watch a film higher than a certificate 12 because I don't want to see any sex or violence.
I admit I am a bit of an oxymoron which is why maybe dating a guy 6 years older than me didn't automatically help. Maybe it has nothing to do with age but a love of common conflicting interests. Does anyone have any theories: is a guy's age ever a factor in a relationship meltdown? Would anyone ever date anyone younger for instance?
I find love and relationships a very interesting topic, not always pleasant but interesting none the less!
Do not get me wrong though I like a guy with a good sense of humour and who does not take himself too seriously, in fact I think this is the most important thing. I just don't want to be sitting telling a guy my future plans without him making some comment which belittles me in a second (whether that is his intention or not).
Believe me I am not perfect myself (just ask the ex) I still have yet to figure out how the oven works and I have a habit of collecting things particularly magazines. I always leave my high heels scattered over the floor and have to be fed regularly especially when travelling or I get car sick. Through all this though I still dream one day that a man will except my little quirks. Will listen when I want to be smart and talk literature but also acknowledge when I sometimes don't want to watch a film higher than a certificate 12 because I don't want to see any sex or violence.
I admit I am a bit of an oxymoron which is why maybe dating a guy 6 years older than me didn't automatically help. Maybe it has nothing to do with age but a love of common conflicting interests. Does anyone have any theories: is a guy's age ever a factor in a relationship meltdown? Would anyone ever date anyone younger for instance?
I find love and relationships a very interesting topic, not always pleasant but interesting none the less!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Happy Easter Everyone!
I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter Sunday, I definitely have had too much to eat with Sunday dinner and all those chocolates. Though the funny thing is my chocolate Crunchie egg sitting on the shelf in the living room has never looked so appealing (why do we crave food even when we are full?).
It was great having such a nice day it meant that I could actually pick whatever I wanted out of my closest without my mum commenting how inappropriate it may be (I don't tend to do practical rainy weather clothes). So I decided to grab the above sparkly vintage dress which is actually very figure forgiving as it glides over the body as supposed to clinging to it (which helps today). I haven't got much else to say as I have been having one of those lazy Sundays but it gives me plenty of time to relax for the next Vintage Fair next Sunday. Can't Wait! Remember to check out the Frock Around the Clock blog for details at
Buying into Fashion
For example yesterday I was in a well known 'bargain' shop and came across a glass bottle of Evian water designed by Jean Paul Gaultier for last year - rows and rows of them for 50p.
It got me thinking of fashion's influence as this shop is hardly Gaultier's market audience in fact I would go as far to say that it would be a place where fashion is the last thing on people's minds but here it is a year later from commerical marketing, sitting on a shelf in this shop.
It reminded me so much of the Devil Wears Prada where Andy (Anne Hathaway) is reminded by her Editor-in-Chief played by Meryl Streep that even people who think they are anti-fashion are influenced by the fashion editors and designers no matter how much they wish to deny it.
In fact it is hard to imagine a time when fashion was not a major influence on the general public.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Some other news...
I am yet again in the County Down Spectator this week but it is only in the 'what's on your ipod' section. It is just a list of my 10 current favourite tracks so no need to rush out to buy it but if you already have it you can keep a look out.
Also I have signed up on myspace though I'll admit I have yet to work out how to use it but if you have a page feel free to add me, I am at .
Also I have signed up on myspace though I'll admit I have yet to work out how to use it but if you have a page feel free to add me, I am at .
Arty Farty Vintage Snaps

Here are a few snaps taken the other day by my good friends Sy and Lauren in Lauren's art studio. Pictured is one of the vintage dress purchases from the other day, with my last Frock Around the Clock purchase (pink clutch) and my 1930s bracelet bought from (addicted to that website).
P.S. Don't forget everyone that the next Vintage Sunday at The Empire is on the11th April which gives you plenty of time to try and start collecting for your Spring/Summer wardrobe!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
A Little Bit Delicious
Just spent today through the snow doing a bit of vintage shopping i.e. two sparkly hugging dresses which when brought home not sure I can quite carry off. It's the whole backside situation yet again (seriously it is huge! I was even teased at University for it from not so very nice first year housemates). I don't think it would be such an issue if my legs were longer, which is why I wear heels, I have too for the illusion of a smaller as my mum would say 'btm'.
They are gorgeous sparkly dresses though especially the black one, it is very 80s power dressing. You could totally imagine a toned leggy 80s chick putting it on to meet the 'girls' for some cocktails. I on the other hand am scared that I give off the miss-piggy-dressing -like-my-mum-twenty-years-ago-look. Though fear not I have a plan it is my smart-casual dress which will be teamed with some nice jeggings and black heels and a long cardigan (Helen's version of 2010 power dressing).
Oh talking of dressing has anybody else been watching the delightful Miss Dahl on BBC 2 on Tuesday nights? I just love Sophie Dahl ever since my 14th birthday I think it was when a friend gave me her first book ' The Man with the Dancing eyes', I am just simply captivated by her view on life even more so than her Grandfather's. She just seems to get the mystery of the little things in life without seeming like she is completely away with the fairies.
Plus I am extremely jealous on how she can just pull all the knowledge of quotes and stuff she has read just out of her head and use it in everyday conversation (she's my equivalent of Stephen Fry).
Oh and the fact she can cook and bake and looks ravishingly beautiful (whatever size she has been) just makes her all the more enviable but saying this I do hope to try out some of her recipes soon, so you never know maybe there are some magic ingredients there to make me just as fabulous as her.
They are gorgeous sparkly dresses though especially the black one, it is very 80s power dressing. You could totally imagine a toned leggy 80s chick putting it on to meet the 'girls' for some cocktails. I on the other hand am scared that I give off the miss-piggy-dressing -like-my-mum-twenty-years-ago-look. Though fear not I have a plan it is my smart-casual dress which will be teamed with some nice jeggings and black heels and a long cardigan (Helen's version of 2010 power dressing).
Oh talking of dressing has anybody else been watching the delightful Miss Dahl on BBC 2 on Tuesday nights? I just love Sophie Dahl ever since my 14th birthday I think it was when a friend gave me her first book ' The Man with the Dancing eyes', I am just simply captivated by her view on life even more so than her Grandfather's. She just seems to get the mystery of the little things in life without seeming like she is completely away with the fairies.
Plus I am extremely jealous on how she can just pull all the knowledge of quotes and stuff she has read just out of her head and use it in everyday conversation (she's my equivalent of Stephen Fry).
Oh and the fact she can cook and bake and looks ravishingly beautiful (whatever size she has been) just makes her all the more enviable but saying this I do hope to try out some of her recipes soon, so you never know maybe there are some magic ingredients there to make me just as fabulous as her.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
It's raining colour, bodycon or khaki.
Well what can I say about the weather apart from it is miserable (yet again) only got my nail polish colours to cheer me up. Spent most of the day indoors trying on outfits as it is my birthday in a while. I am planing on going out with the girls for cocktails in the Apartment in Belfast and I want to look smart but young oh and sexy (haven't been single on my birthday for 4 years!). Although I was only out looking today I have a dilemma how on earth do you look all the above things especially when it will be jeans and fancy tops for all my friends (I already look out of place being the short one with the heels?
I definitely don't want to be the slutty single one but either do I want to be the frumpy single girl (most of my friends are in relationships) so how do I strike the balance? From today my current options are a warm orange 1960s style Secretary dress which sits below the knee and has a bow at bust (think 'Mad Men'), a LBD bodycon dress that sits half way up my thigh and exaggerates my J.Lo behind or a khaki silk like skirt which also exaggerates the derriere and again is half way up my thigh (with a crisp white shirt, some black court heels and some vintage gold jewellery and clutch).Or should I just dump all those options and go for something completely different?
Gosh, fashion should never be this many questions, maybe I'll just grab whatever is in my wardrobe on the night. Yeah I'll do that, though.................................what nail polish to wear.....................
I definitely don't want to be the slutty single one but either do I want to be the frumpy single girl (most of my friends are in relationships) so how do I strike the balance? From today my current options are a warm orange 1960s style Secretary dress which sits below the knee and has a bow at bust (think 'Mad Men'), a LBD bodycon dress that sits half way up my thigh and exaggerates my J.Lo behind or a khaki silk like skirt which also exaggerates the derriere and again is half way up my thigh (with a crisp white shirt, some black court heels and some vintage gold jewellery and clutch).Or should I just dump all those options and go for something completely different?
Gosh, fashion should never be this many questions, maybe I'll just grab whatever is in my wardrobe on the night. Yeah I'll do that, though.................................what nail polish to wear.....................
Monday, 29 March 2010
Bags in the City
As every good fashionista knows the Sex in the City Sequel movie is only months away (2 to be exact). Having seen the trailer a few times, already I am extremely excited not just for the shoes, jewellery clothes and the four girls but also because of this Timmy Woods bag I always knew my french fascination was on trend.
Now lets get back to fashion...
Yet again the blog has taken the form of a very unfashionable diary which I have only my unease over fashion week to blame. Saying fashion week I mean all of them not one in particular and it has nothing to do with the clothes, the bright lights are the models because I absolutely love that (it always gives me goosebumps when I am at a catwalk show or I am watching one online). It's just society's attitude towards the runways that slightly bug me, just because something is in season does not make it fashionable. For instance I would have to be held down before you'd get me into a pair of clogs despite loving all of the designers who have designed a pair. If I were to wear a pair it wouldn't be right because I wouldn't believe in the look and it would just look as awkward as it would feel.
Ironically it also gets me a bit annoyed when everyone claims to be an expert of fashion in the media and it results in some family member telling me that I should wear something because it is in all the magazines and all the 'young ones' are wearing them.
I am still a magazine addict however and wishing to pursue that career in fashion journalism so maybe my views are going to have to wain or maybe I could start a magazine of anti-trends. I wonder how far that would go?
Ironically it also gets me a bit annoyed when everyone claims to be an expert of fashion in the media and it results in some family member telling me that I should wear something because it is in all the magazines and all the 'young ones' are wearing them.
I am still a magazine addict however and wishing to pursue that career in fashion journalism so maybe my views are going to have to wain or maybe I could start a magazine of anti-trends. I wonder how far that would go?
Sunday, 28 March 2010
My kind of Style
Just a quick note to say I am in the My Kind of Style section in the County Down Spectator this week if anyone has a copy and wants to give it a look. I have to say I much prefer being the one to ask the questions than answer them as I never know quite what to say.
Happy Snappy Sunday Part2
These photos are taken at a local forest near us that I have always went to from a little girl; some people love the beach, I love forests. I would much rather take my shoes off and walk across the grass than to walk across grainy sand and there is just so much more to see around you. Don't get me wrong though I am not an adventurous woman - one sight of a bug or a creepy crawly and I am running for the hills and I doubt I'll ever be a camping in a tent person but there is just something about leaves and greenery that makes all your troubles seem so small. Oh and the big black and white doggy is called Jackson.
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