I am sorry that I have been neglecting this blog of late, in favour of Educating Vintage but I think it is important that I get the word out as it is a completely different blog to Fashion Revival in the message it is portraying. However I am not giving up on my first ever blog and you should plan to expect a lot more posts over the next few days including another instalment of Elle j'adore in the city as with everything in a 22 year-old's life, matters of the heart are very complicated.
Also expect a lot of pictures up soon as more than ever I have found myself getting snap happy finding inspiration from the unlikely of places. Although until then, here are a few photos of my Dorothy Perkins 'sale' ballet pumps - bought for those times when heels just wont do (yes, I fear I may be getting old even acknowledging their is such a time). Though my home will always be in a pair of five-inchs!
P.S. I am loving the UK September covers this year.
adorable flats :)