Unfortunately the cupcake pictured is not my own handy work but that of good old M&S and I have to say it was delicious, maybe a little too delicious. Cute and girly perfect to go with the current Elle UK subscription cover of Chloe Sevigny and a corsage by Eve Brannon of Vintagepaperworks.co.uk which I bought on Sunday at the vintage fair.
It is important I feel to celebrate the finer girly moments in life when feeling under the weather, it is why so many of us yearn for parts of our childhood where the only responsibilities and worries were make believe. I don't think it is a method necessarily of brushing responsibility under the carpet but realising there is more to life than worries. Therefore I strongly encourage you stressed individuals out there to go grab a magazine, make yourself a cup of tea and tuck into a cupcake and I promise even if it is just for 10 minutes you'll feel a whole lot happier. Happy de-stressing!
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