Just saw Little Boots in concert tonight - she really knows how to work an audience both through her music and performance, which is why earlier in the year, she was voted BBC's sound of 2009. Oh and to top it all of I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing her for eve magazine (definitely a highlight of 2009 for me especially when she spotted my irregular choice booties and said how cool they were).
Saturday, 28 November 2009
A little Remedy
Just saw Little Boots in concert tonight - she really knows how to work an audience both through her music and performance, which is why earlier in the year, she was voted BBC's sound of 2009. Oh and to top it all of I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing her for eve magazine (definitely a highlight of 2009 for me especially when she spotted my irregular choice booties and said how cool they were).
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Stitch and style
It was a cold crisp night last night but it didn't stop the fashionable women of Northern Ireland going on in force to Belfast City Council's second Stitch and Style event. A really worth while cause, an amazing catwalk shoot and an incident that had me in stitches would pretty much sum up the night for me if I had to. My friend Joanne went with me and is somewhat new to taking an interest in fashion. After the catwalk as I was hunting through the rails of clothes that were on display afterwards I noticed a gorgeous gold and turquoise dress that really was to die for but it was about twice the size of me both in height and length and I haven't yet got the nerves to go anywhere near a sewing machine just yet. Joanne who could see my frustration carefully looked at the label and then turned to me and said a little too loud that I could make a note of the shop and go to see if they had a smaller size. Wise advice if it wasn't vintage but it made me laugh (and her when she realised what she'd said)! Just goes to prove it is definitely more fun when your friends don't understand half the time what you're on about!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Something new, something borrowed, something blue
Just a little update on events - Stitch and Style run by Belfast City Council is on tomorrow night in the Porcelain Suite at Ten Square from 7pm. A chance to see how the professionals turn their old clothes and accessories into modern unique pieces that could almost be mistaken for new. And do not forget this Sunday in The Holiday Inn, Belfast is Frock Around the Clock - the main vintage fair in Northern Ireland to be seen at - I cannot wait! It's going to be a busy week.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Beautiful disaster
Well my feelings didn't change last night on the 'double-date' but I had a good time and he was a gentleman and paid my way in. In the end I stuck with the high heels and even braved my River Island sequins blazer (quite a bit over the top for the cinema we ended up in but I felt good in it none the less). I myself am not a Twilight fanatic but I can appreciate the saga and I thoroughly enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised how much the clothes have a vital role in the film. There is one scene which I found almost poetic where one of the vampires (Victoria) is running through the woods her bright red hair, long coat and dress blowing in the wind that she has created, showing how important movement is in clothes to convey the right effect, which is why the catwalks and runways are a vital part of the fashion industry. Someone who represents this importance of movement, the model Kate Moss (one of my style icons) has been a focus in the news this week with her comment “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”, which has caused outrage among much of the media as she is seen as a role model for many young women. I agree it is a somewhat dangerous comment but reflectively it is a bit true as most women (and some men) know the feeling of what it is like to fit into a smaller size pair of jeans and the smugness of this fact even if it is simply down to the cut and not your waistline. Ultimately though the smaller jeans may gave me a rush that cannot be compared but where chocolate cake is involved the cake will always win.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Styling crisis
I am having a wardrobe dilemma as I have sort of a double-date on Saturday night at the cinema. I am going with a friend, her boyfriend and his friend who has expressed an interest in me but has been told I sadly don't feel the same. My crisis is what to wear when my normal cinema outfit consists of high heels, a blazer and jeans (in Northern Irish circles-overdressed) without giving him the impression I have changed my mind. I suppose I could always not go but I'd feel guilty after already saying yes and it is to go and see 'New Moon' which looks like it's going to be amazing and with two very good looking guys in it I am sure my eyes will be very focused on the screen (I just hope his are!). Today however I met a lot of very stylish, interesting people who didn't seem like they had any styling disasters in their lives, as I was taking some style spotter photos in Belfast for eve. Despite the rainy windy weather (my umbrella blew inside out on a number of occasions-too many to count) the women of Belfast yet again didn't let it dampen their fashion spirits and were looking as stylish as ever.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Oranges and Vampires
I know it has been around for a good few years now but why has fake-tan become like make-up for the majority of the public (both male and female)? I was queueing up in a local shop with the recent issue of British Vogue the other night and I was confronted by a shop assistant a few years younger than me looking perfectly glowing as I (paled skinned) in flats, jeans and hoody (having worked all day) handed over my change. Not only did I feel unglamourous but I also felt like an impostor clutching tightly to Vogue which at this stage is my only saving grace. Although there may be a slight reassurance in pale skin at the moment due to the Twilight saga do I really want to be compared to the undead as it isn't exactly going to do much to my career and love life is it? I say bring back the 80s where fake tan was saved for the ice rink and all outfits were so bad that there was no chance of ever making a fashion disaster.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
A little bit of vintage

Recently as I was searching online for vintage presents I came across this magazine clutch at Steptoe Antiques http://www.steptoesantiques.co.uk/ and it reminded me of a recent picture of Rihanna (below) http://thefashionmanifesto.com/2008/07/26/magazine-clutches/ . Although

Sunday, 8 November 2009
It's 5-inch or nothing....
I was a little shocked reading the cover of The Sunday Time's supplement 'Style' this morning claiming the 'Death of the killer heel'. We may be having a reassurance in chunky biker boots and brogues but that is no excuse to claim we need to starting digging holes in the flower beds just yet to bury our much loved 5-inch's! I for one feel there is nothing more sexy than a pair of killer heels, the way it exaggerates a woman's body making all her curves sit in the right places, setting off even the dreariest clothes and most of all making this 5ft 3 woman feel she can conquer the world. Therefore as long as the shoemaker greats are still in business we will have the powerful heel, as who can argue louboutin's trademark red sole definately sits better on the higher shoe.
P.S. Can someone tell me the reason for kitten heels? It is the one shoe invention I just do not get even if they were catwalk favourite at the September shows 2009.
P.S. Can someone tell me the reason for kitten heels? It is the one shoe invention I just do not get even if they were catwalk favourite at the September shows 2009.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Shoe Envy....(all I want for Christmas is choos)

Am I the only one excited in Northern Ireland about the prospect of a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes finally becoming in reach of the average woman? The collaboration with H&M hitting shops on November the 14th mightn't exactly be up to the £500 designer shoe standards but a girl can dream and I have already got lust envy for many of the shoes going on sale (the zebra print and electric blue ones being current favourites). Many may argue that the current trend for designers to market their brands for a more commercial audience (Butterfly by Matthew Williamson, J for Jasper Conrad and now Jimmy Choo for H&M) is cheapening the designer experience and giving in to the notion of throw away high street fashion. I however feel it is doing the contrary as we all know designer threads are an unrealistic price for the general consumer but the fabrics, materials, labour costs etc. in making the product are both fair and genuine. With the High street collaborations the designers are not only applying the same design principals but the method of fair fashion and educating the public on the story behind their purchases making the consumers trade aware shoppers. Of course we will probably always love our 'bargain' finds but when they fall apart in the wash or the heel snaps of your new sparkly gold platforms in the middle of dodging the bus that is heading towards you, really we only have ourselves to blame because fashion never has been so accessible as now!
Promo for Jimmy Choo for H&M:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwrsG7siYA0
And on the topic of shoes, check out these Carvela Black Grab High Heel shoes, which I have totally fallen in love with(above) http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10001_17799_1185373_-1, reduced now from £150 to £79, unfortunately though I feel I am too old for Santa to still be leaving me presents so they will have to be filed away in the future walk-in-wardrobe in my dreams for the moment.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Belfast Fashion Week
I've just had a busy weekend, I went to see Belfast Fashion week at Belfast City hall on both Friday (30th October) and Saturday (31st October). It was great to see what the Northern Irish fashion industry has to offer because I think sometimes we can (well I can) get a bit disheartened about the opportunities over here for a 'career' in the industry as all things fashion seem to be hidden underground or one gets the impression it is strictly 'members only' in a world where real fashion is universally appreciated. Although I must say the two nights I attended Friday (designer) and Saturday (highstreet) at BFW I left hopeful for Northern Ireland getting to grips with the concept of appreciation of all aspects of the business, it was just such a shame I had to miss Thursday's vintage night as I feel vintage appreciation is the real key to great style and it would have been nice to see Belfast's interpretation of this. I must apologise for the bad pictures, my camera has been playing up of late but I thought I was best still putting these two pictures up to show the gorgeous venue and the glittery gold catwalk the models paraded down both nights. I just was glad to take a break from working that I did not really note any key particular finds though there was a gorgeous white woollen coat from Fran and Jane on the Lisburn Road in Belfast that just walked stunningly down the catwalk unfortunately I feel I wouldn't have the height to carry it off even if I was wearing killer heels. I however did notice something attending both nights that although the clothes were fabulous walking down the runway there was just something missing and it was only when I was home I realised what it was; each other, it is true what they say the perfect outfits are the ones that incorporate both highstreet and designer. To check out better photos of BFW and to see that Fran and Jane coat check out http://www.sugahfix.com for everything that is happening in Northern Ireland!
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